The Master’s degree in Business Law, Ethics and Compliance reconciles theoretical contributions, according to a multidisciplinary academic approach, with the in-depth presentation of epistemological problems induced by scientific advances, and their impact in terms of responsibilities towards the individual and society in a socio-political perspective. Ethical issues are becoming increasingly important in the governance of institutions, companies and research organizations.
Never has the demand for university training in ethics been so strong among professionals and stakeholders in the fields of health, research and institutions.
In this respect, our Master’s degree, recognized for its international appeal, offers a curriculum that is constantly adapted to a demand that is evolving, becoming more complex and stronger.
Since 2020 we are committed to training all our doctoral students in a culture of ethical reflection.
Learning objectives
- Understand ethics and compliance issues
- To be able to set up processes to fight against fraud
- Acting to prevent deviant behaviour
- Be able to create transparency programs within the company
- Understand strategic ethics and compliance issues
Blended learning: Online sessions, presentations, discussions, case studies, online articles and more.
Targeted group
The course is intended for people with at least 5 years of professional experience in the function or a diploma allowing access to this Master’s degree.
- Philosophy
- Pratical Ethic
- Ethics, Law, and Responsibility
- Methodology
- Ontology of Ethic
- Epistemology
- Axiology
- Methodology
This Master is available for Executive Education and Life Experience Validation.
ECTS Credit: 120
EQF Level: 7
Fees: 5 900 EUR